1965 chevrolet impala oldsmobile vent window regulator nos gm # 4508692

SKU: z 4508692
shipping: 8.00
international: 22.00
Qty in Stock: 1
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1965 Chevrolet NOS  new gm in old original gm box thisis the right  hand (passengers  side)  vent window regulator.  GM part # 4508692 fits all 2 door sport models of 1965 Chevrolet passenger cars, and fits the right  side, sport models like 2 door hardtop and convertible models . this is models like  caprice , belair  biscayne  and impala  shows fits  sport  models   this is 2 door models  without post      this item also fits 1965 oldsmobile similar models

listed as fitting

  • 1965 chevrolet impala caprice and oldsmobile