1939 thru 1964 Mopar GM packard hudson nash new idler arm kit # pk305

SKU: zd pk305
domestic shipping: 8.00
international shipping: 25.00
Qty in Stock: 4
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1939 thru 1964 Mopar GM Packard Hudson Nash Rambler  new replacement idler arm bearing kit and fits the following with manual or power steering

  • listed as fitting
  • 1954 1955 1956 Buick
  • 1940 thru 1960 Cadillac
  • 1939 thru 1960 Oldsmobile
  • 1939 thru 1964 Pontiac
  • 1955 1956 Chrysler Desoto
  • 1953 1954  Dodge cars
  • 1955 Hudson series 40 60 80
  • 1941 thru 1955 Nash
  • 1950 thru 1957 Rambler